Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP)

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Understanding the Canadian Dental Care Plan: Affordable Dental Services for Canadians in Need

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a new federal initiative to provide dental coverage to millions of Canadians who struggle to access affordable dental services. This program is part of a broader effort to enhance healthcare accessibility, particularly for low—to middle-income households.

What You Need to Know About the Canadian Dental Care Plan

The CDCP is a federal program designed to assist Canadians who lack private dental insurance and face challenges in accessing dental care. The plan prioritizes families and individuals with low to moderate incomes, ensuring they can access essential dental services without financial strain.

Who Can Benefit from the Canadian Dental Care Plan?

The CDCP offers dental coverage to Canadian residents with an adjusted family net income below $90,000 who don’t have dental insurance. The CDCP will help offset the cost of various oral health services for those who qualify.

The application process is now open for:

  • Seniors aged 65 and above
  • Children under 18 years old
  • Adults holding a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate
  • Canadian Dental Care Plan

Why Was It Introduced?

The Canadian Dental Care Plan was launched to address a critical gap in healthcare coverage in Canada. While the public healthcare system covers medical services, dental care has largely been left to private insurance or out-of-pocket payments. This has created significant disparities in dental health, particularly among low-income Canadians who often cannot afford regular dental care.

How Much Will the Canadian Dental Care Plan Cover?

The CDCP will cover some of your dental treatment costs but may not cover the entire bill. You may be responsible for additional charges if:

  • You and your dentist agree on services that the CDCP does not cover.
  • The cost of your dental services exceeds what the CDCP will reimburse.
  • Your adjusted family net income is between $70,000 and $89,999.

What to Expect When Using the Canadian Dental Care Plan

Only oral health providers are reimbursed for services under the CDCP. If you are covered, you will not need to pay the full amount upfront, but you may still need to cover any additional costs directly to the provider.

How the Canadian Dental Care Plan Works: Eligibility and Access


The CDCP is designed for uninsured Canadians with annual family incomes less than $90,000. Those with family incomes under $70,000 receive full coverage, while families earning between $70,000 and $90,000 are eligible for partial coverage.


Dental care under the CDCP is provided through direct government payments to participating dental providers. Eligible Canadians can visit any dentist registered with the plan and receive care without paying upfront costs or significantly reduced out-of-pocket expenses, depending on their income level.

Phased Implementation

The plan is being introduced in stages. The first phase focused on children under 12 from low-income families, with subsequent phases expanding coverage to seniors, persons with disabilities, and all eligible Canadians. Full implementation of the CDCP is expected to take several years, with adjustments made based on feedback and population needs.

Comprehensive Guide to Services Covered by the Canadian Dental Care Plan

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) helps cover a significant portion of costs for a wide array of oral health services.

Note: Certain services and treatments that exceed established frequency limits will require preauthorization by the CDCP. Your dental provider will recommend the treatment, and the CDCP will determine whether it qualifies for coverage. This pre-approval process must be completed before you undergo the treatment. Decisions will be based on your oral health history and medical conditions. Preauthorization for these additional treatments will become available starting November 2024.

Comprehensive Guide

Examples of Services Covered by the CDCP:

Diagnostic and Preventive Services

These services are designed to monitor your oral health, maintain the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth, prevent cavities and gum disease, and detect oral conditions (like cancer) early. The CDCP covers:

  • Dental exams (complete, routine, specific, and emergency exams)
  • X-rays
  • Cleanings (scaling)
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Sealants

Basic Services

  • Permanent fillings
  • Temporary fillings
  • Pain management for diseased teeth
  • Additional treatments for cavities
  • Root canal treatments
  • Pulpectomies (initial step in root canal treatment)
  • Infection reduction and pain relief procedures
  • Re-treatment of previously completed root canals
  • Cleaning beneath the gum line
  • Abscess treatment
  • Bonding for mobile teeth
  • Post-surgical evaluations
  • Non-surgical gum disease management

Examples of Services

Major Services

  • Posts and post-removal
  • Crown repairs and re-bonding of crowns and posts
  • Crowns
  • Cores to support crowns
  • Posts for crowns
  • Complete dentures, including standard and temporary dentures
  • Denture repairs relines and rebates
  • Denture lining to improve comfort and healing
  • Immediate and overdentures
  • Partial dentures
  • Tooth and root removal
  • Surgical removal of tumors and cysts
  • Surgical incisions and drainage
  • Treatment for broken jaw bones

Anesthesia or Sedation Services

  • Minimal sedation (conscious)
  • Moderate sedation
  • Deep sedation
  • General anesthesia

What Most Dental Insurance Plans Cover

  • Preventive care is fully covered, including cleanings, exams, and X-rays.
  • Basic procedures, like fillings, are covered at 80%.
  • Major procedures, such as crowns and dentures, are covered at 50%.

Is the Canadian Dental Care Plan Free?

It is important to note that the CDCP is a government dental benefit, not a free dental program. The CDCP is designed for Canadians without existing dental benefits and is not intended to replace benefits provided through employment, school, or private insurance plans.



Bite Dental is one of the centers that cooperates with the CDCP. You can benefit from the advice of our expert and experienced doctors while using the Canadian Dental Care Plan by visiting our downtown dental clinic. All you have to do is contact us, and we will book a visit for you as soon as possible.


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